Pollen-carrying hairs on hind legs 3-10mm. Shiny, dark metallic blue-green body sparsely haired distinctive cylindrical abdomen Some are attracted to the salt in sweat.Solitary, communal, and semisocial soil nesters.(parasites of other bees) pollen-carrying hairs on hind legs (except in parasitic Metallic green, dull metallic blue, copper, or green, and black with a red abdomen Many forms including: dull black/brown body with light abdominal hair bands, bright Bumble bees can buzz-pollinate, which is important for plants that require vibration.Social colonies often nest underground in small cavities like old rodent burrows.In bands pollen basket on hind legs 10-23 mm. Robust, hairy bees black body covered with black, yellow, orange, or white hairs Females cut circular pieces from leaves and use them to line their nests.Solitary nest in natural or man-made holes such as beetle tunnels or wood nesting.Head as broad as thorax large jaws used to cut leaves black body with pale hairīands on abdomen pollen-carrying hairs on the underside of abdomen 7-15 mm. In appearance, they are able to gain protection from predators and even act as bee In fact, many flower-visiting flies are actuallybee mimics. There are two major groups of insects that are commonly confused with bees-flies and Leg that is bare and surrounded by incurving hairs.

Female bees also have special pollen-carrying hairs or other structures commonly found on the hind legs or the underside of the abdomen.įor example, honey bees carry pollen in a pollen basket which is an area on the hind The legs and four wings (two forewings and two hind-wings). That include jaws for chewing, and a tongue for drinking nectar. The head consists of compound eyes, antennae that are segmented and bent, mouthparts Yellow-faced or masked bees (Hylaeus spp.)īees, like other insects, have three body segments: a head, thorax, and abdomen.